Getting Started with Twisto.js v1

This API is deprecated!

New integrations should go through MERCHANT API

Twisto is a payment method that allows customers to order goods with a single click and pay for them comfortably at home, up to 14 days after delivery. After the goods are shipped, the e-shop receives full payment from Twisto, and the customer receives an invoice with a 2-week payment deadline.

Since Twisto assumes the risk of the customer's payment, we need to get to know them well, and instant evaluation takes place for each order. For this reason, we have certain requirements for the data we need from the e-shop. The exact requirements are described in the individual integration steps. Customer evaluation is our internal process, which is dynamic and depends on external data.

Checkout Animation

What happens behind the scenes for each order:

  • When the "Complete Order" button is clicked, customer and current order data are sent using our JavaScript library.
  • Based on this request, we initiate a query to your webhook, which returns the customer's previous orders (if any).
  • After the evaluation is completed, two states can occur: acceptance or rejection (redirecting the customer to choose another payment method).
  • In case of acceptance, a request to create an invoice is sent from your server, which, for verification, contains customer and current order data.
  • At the time of shipment, the invoice is activated, and from that moment, the customer has a 2-week payment deadline.
  • In case of product return, the goods are marked as returned in the Twisto e-shop administration (the entire order or its part).