How to edit Twisto widgets

  • Twisto widgets can be edited to make them fit your e-shop as well as possible. The settings are the same for the banner and checkout versions.
  • Below you will find a description and explanation of each attribute, or edits, for both Twisto widgets products.

Twisto Pay in 30 days widget

  • Here's a list of possible edits for this widget ⬇️
AttributeDescriptionTypeDefault value
languageLanguage of widget. Options: cs, en or pl.Stringen
productName of Twisto product. Must be: pay-in-30-days or pay-in-3.Stringnull
themeTheme color palette which should be used. It can be: light or darkStringlight
siteTo which site the user will be redirected. By default it is decided by language. Can be cz or pl.Stringnull
widthThe width of widget. It can be: auto or full.Stringauto

Widget Twisto pay in three

  • Here's a list of possible edits for this widget ⬇️
AttributeDescriptionTypeDefault value
amountValue of product. Required for pay-in-3.Numbernull
currencyCurrency of amount. Required for pay-in-3. For czech currency use: CZK.Stringnull
languageLanguage of widget, it can be: cs, en nebo pl.Stringen
merchant-nameName of your eshop. Required for pay-in-3 banner.Stringnull
productName of Twisto product. It must be: pay-in-30-days or pay-in-3.Stringnull
siteTo which site the user will be redirected. By default it is decided by language. Can be cz or pl.Stringnull
themeTheme color palette which should be used. It can be: light or darkStringlight
widthThe width of widget. It can be: auto or full.Stringauto