How Twisto works

Payment types

Twisto has multiple payment options, generally Twisto Pay and Pay in 3. Check availability and more details below:

Twisto Pay

Twisto “Buy now. Pay later” is a payment method that allows customers to make a purchase with payment 30 days after purchase. Merchant receives full payment from Twisto in the next settlement cycle.

Twisto API

Twisto API provides common API for Merchants and UI for customers that supports complete payment process from accepting customer's order, prompting customer for missing personal data, acquiring customers consent with the Terms of Service, scoring the customer with respect to his order, order settlement to handling refunds.

Since Twisto takes the risk of customer repayment, every order is subject to real-time credit check. For this reason, we have specific requirements for data that we need from the merchant. The exact requirements are described in the integration steps below. Customer scoring is our internal process that is dynamic and depends on external data sources collected during the check. For this reason, it cannot be implemented completely on the merchant side, but is fully run by Twisto.

NEXT: Implement Twisto