Testing PSP API on the sandbox environment

Demos of the customer flows (scenarios)

You can use the following emails to reproduce different customer flows:

  • User with a registered account, rejected checkout scenario:
    • account.rejected@example.com
    • rejected@example.com
  • User with a registered account, checkout accepted with the SMS verification. Any 6-digit SMS code is valid.
    • account.accepted.sms@example.com
  • User with a registered account, checkout accepted with the PIN or PASSWORD authentication. Any PIN or PASSWORD is valid.
    • account.accepted.password@example.com
  • User without the account, rejected checkout scenario:
    • noaccount.rejected@example.com
    • test_invalid_location@example.com
    • test_invalid_pesel@example.com
    • test_invalid_pesel_and_location@example.com
  • User without the account, successful checkout scenario:
    • any other email

The rejected checkout scenario always ends with the canceled status. You will receive notification if the webhook is configured.

Customer data

For PL order, we require a valid PL phone number format and valid personal ID (PESEL).

CZ order requires a valid CZ phone number.

SMS confirmation number

During the order process, you'll be asked for the SMS code. You can enter any 6 digit code and it should be accepted.

Card payment

In order to finish pay-in-three order, the customer has to complete the down payment e.g. with card payment. In test environment, we accept any valid card number with any future expiration date and any 3-digit CVV code. Eg. 4111 1111 1111 1111 can be used as card no.