JS library

Set public key

<script type="text/javascript"> var _twisto_config = { public_key: "", // You can find your public key in your administration script: "https://api.twisto.cz/v2/lib/twisto.js", }; (function(e,g,a){function h(a){return function(){b._.push([a,arguments])}}var f=["check"],b=e||{},c=document.createElement(a);a=document.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];b._=[];for(var d=0;d<f.length;d++)b[f[d]]=h(f[d]);this[g]=b;c.type="text/javascript";c.async=!0;c.src=e.script;a.parentNode.insertBefore(c,a);delete e.script}).call(window,_twisto_config,"Twisto","script"); </script>

Twisto.check(data, success, error, [options])

data (array)JSON order data
success (function)Is triggered in case of successful communication with the server
error (function)Is triggered in case of unsuccessful communication with the server
options (object)Optional. Available options. processingStarted (function) – Is triggered after successful start of processing.

Performs a customer check and confirms or rejects a payment through Twisto

Twisto.check( data, // JSON order data (response) => { // success callback if (response.status === 'accepted') { console.log('check passed and order is accepted') } else { console.log('check passed but order has been rejected') } }, (response) => { console.log('error when calling check') // error callback - network error }, { processingStarted: (data) => console.log('processingStarted') } // we allow processingStarted in options object )

Scoring processing started

Example function that is triggered after successful start of scoring


data (object)Object containing additional information
transactionid (_string)ID of transaction
{ "transaction_id": "hisnmy6enxhq07rx69hniwwd" }