Before launch

Once you have everything ready, contact us. Before running Twisto, we will test the implementation from the customer point of view to ensure that it is flawless.

After successful testing, we will switch e-shop to production mode. Then simply change the keys in your e-shop, add the production e-shop url and the first order can be made.

From experience we have prepared a few points that can by problematic:

  • Phone numbers must always be valid and should be sent in an international format (eg +420222703333)
  • If the order contains many items of the same product, the total price (price_vat) is a multiple of item price and quantity
  • If create invoice call throws an exception, please don’t forget to cancel the order in the e-shop (it can’t be shipped without Twisto invoice)
  • Negative items in the order (discounts and discount coupons) have the parameter type set to TYPE_DISCOUNT
  • The rounding items are set to TYPE_ROUND and their absolute value must be less than 1.00, ie, the value ∈ (-1,1)
  • If the order was rejected, the customer is returned back to alternative payment methods page to choose another method
  • Shipping and payment are 2 separate items